Break Free from Ongoing Negativity

" addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." - Ephesians 6:16

Hey sweet lady,

You've gone through some serious hardships and life 

seems to have gone haywire for you.  

I totally get it -- Wanting to get back on track, to live your life 

with purpose beyond survival mode.  

You have a deep desire to live the legacy life -- even if it's 

a bit frazzled lately --but can't seem to get unstuck.  

   Do any of these sound familiar?   

  • Negative thoughts & feelings are almost constant, never staying away for too long.
  • You've noticed the way you talk to & about yourself is often negative put-downs - - not at all the way you'd talk to a friend.  
  • People you used to count on to be there for you aren't very supportive lately.
  • You often feel mostly alone & isolated (perhaps even among others)
  • You are plain worn out, especially after wrestling with this negativity on your own!

  • You may even be tempted to give in and let the negativity take over


And still . . .

There's that deep desire to make a positive difference, even though you've hit some major roadblocks along the way.  And hey, none of us are getting any younger, right?  But there's still that flickering flame that refuses to be put out.  

Remember those dreams of yours?

I think of the Biblical story of Joseph.  His life hit some major roadblocks and his dreams seemed so far-fetched.  But to those brothers who'd set out to hurt him he was eventually able to conclude: 

     “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.”  Genesis 50:20    

Taking a step of faith can be scary at first (like stepping into a crowd of people after spending several months of isolation during a worldwide crisis).  Or the needs of the world or even in your household may cause you to feel self-indulgent for using time or resources to invest in yourself.  If someone is depending on you, you need to be able to depend on you too!  
Your faith in your ability to be there for them will not rise above your faith in your ability (and willingness) to be there for yourself.  
Your ability comes from God.  But you must activate it through faith and action.

That's not self-indulgence.  

It's action that aligns with your best self -- action that moves you toward your goal of becoming the legacy lady who you are proud of. 


. . . The negative feelings and thoughts aren't telling you the whole truth! 

Like looking through dark and badly scratched lenses, the beauty that's really there can't be seen clearly. 

 You need some new, clear lenses!  

 Your negative thoughts & feelings are understandable given what you've gone through so let's get that straight.  Of course you need to grieve your losses and process your pain.  And move through it toward workable solutions. 

Can we agree that what you DON'T need is . . .
  •  to STAY stuck, letting the painful emotions and thought patterns take up permanent residence;
  • Or KEEP you stuck in a problematic situation without solutions.

It's hard. I've been there.  And I understand how it can seem impossible to do on your own.

Suggestion: Why not look outside your same small circle? Look past the folks that YOU WANT to be understanding and supportive . . . to those who CAN be.  

I'm here for you . . .

Coaching with Dawn

Are you ready to take steps toward overcoming the current challenges 
but haven't figured out what your next step should be?  

What if you didn't have to do it alone? 

Truth is, help IS available & you DON'T have to do it alone.  

And if you're an adoptive or special needs parent?

 or my

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