You are totally committed to supporting your adopted child — despite the overwhelming challenges & lack of support for yourself




And You know God called you to this.

Remember that God’s 
plans for you are good! 

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV —

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ 
declares the LORD, 
‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, 
plans to give you hope and a future.’”

More than a greeting card, this verse applies to you as well as each of your children. Re-read it with your name and/or theirs in place of the word “you”.  

with Dawn T. Baggett, JD
- Post Adoption Mom Coach -
& creator of the 
“2nd Moms Circle” podcast 

Offering Post-Adoption Support 
for Christian Moms in Complex Adoptive & Blended Families

But you’re Feeling deflated & defeated

When the challenges of your  adoptive or blended family are more than you can handle on your own, it’s not the time to get down on yourself or give up in defeat…But it might be time for a change.  

It might be time to look for support outside your current circles — you know…those made up of people who can’t or won’t provide the real support YOU really need.

Hello, I’m Dawn Baggett —

Your personal 
post-adoption support strategist (aka - post adoption mom coach)!

Are you an adoptive mom feeling the weight of unmet needs and unreliable support within your current circle? 

I understand the unique challenges you face and want to extend a hand of compassion and real, tangible assistance. My private post-adoption coaching is designed specifically for dedicated mothers like you, seeking the exact support that no one else has been able or willing to provide. 

Discover how personalized post adoption coaching can fill the gap, empower your journey, and bring the genuine understanding and help you deserve. Let's walk this path together, with faith and hope.


ONCE you submit your contact info on the application request you’ll receive a coaching application questionnaire to complete. The questionnaire is a helpful tool itself! Then…

AFTER a review of your questionnaire,  I’ll  contact you regarding the next step which is a call to talk about your particular post adoption challenges,  about my coaching process, and questions you may have about what you can expect with post adoption coaching.

Why should you hire me as your post adoption coach?


Standing in the GAP for Second Moms through podcasting & coaching from a trauma informed, Biblical perspective — is my mission after having found myself in the gap, trying to find my footing and hold on while my family and world had turned upside down & inside out! 


I know what it’s like to have your support evaporate, to run up against brick walls over & over, to have “experts” make things even worse. I can relate to being falsely accused and feeling unfairly judged as a parent.  I know how painful it is to pour love into someone who won’t or can’t return it. 


I also know how good it feels when you receive healing for your broken heart, see progress where it was so illusive, and get the needed support that helps you make pivotal changes for yourself & family members, to find your solid footing again. 


And I know something about helping you find your footing  and supporting you through the gap in your post adoption journey. 

Ready for Real Post Adoption Mom Support?

Take the first step to discover the difference post adoption coaching that aligns with your Christian values can make in your life.

The 2nd Moms Circle Podcast

Available for listening on 

Join the Circle!

The Circle of Second Moms is a free private community  which expands upon the public podcast, 2nd Moms Circle.

Recent Blog Posts from Dawn

For Adoptive Moms & Other 2nd Moms raising a child with special needs, chronic conditions, trauma backgrounds, developmental delays.

My Child’s Dissociation Super Power - the Downside

My Child’s Dissociation Super Power - the Downside

Do you know or suspect that your adopted child with a trauma history has periods, however brief, of dissociation? 

Not by Choice

Dissociation in a nutshell is an involuntary disconnect from your body, mind and/or surroundings. It’s an involuntary episode that like a seizure, is not something your child is intentionally choosing to do. And your child's early trauma may be a risk factor for turning on this survival mechanism. 

A reminder to yourself that this isn't voluntary, along with an awareness of the specifics of how it tends to play out in your affected child when a dissociation episode happens,

Remaining a Secure Parent…For Your Child

A cultural myth that is very prevalent today is that parents must affirm sinful & harmful lifestyle choices that run contrary to God’s laws, or we cause our children terrible harm —  like feelings of shame, rejection, fear, insecurity, and to generally feel bad about themselves leading to all kinds of problems for them. 

It is presumed that parents are unkind and unloving if we do not also embrace and adopt these choices.


Fierce (Age-Inappropriate) Independence

Did you know that early childhood trauma often leads to a pervasive sense of helplessness in children? 

This in turn can cause them to overcompensate with age-inappropriate independence and rigid control strategies. 

If you're noticing these behaviors in your child, know that you are not alone, and together, we can find paths toward healing and connection.


Let’s be social: 

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