You've SEEN never seen anything like this before!
An adoptive mom who has spent years not only studying, but living the life of a second mom in a complex family, I learned that there are commonalities among this population and that the GAP in available and effective support is something that is all too prevalent for many moms and families.
Especially as a Christian mom who poured myself into my family, used to problem-solving and searching & finding whatever was needed, setting high expectations for myself, with an excellent parenting track record, the lack of resources and anti-support for the mounting challenges in my adoptive family felt totally unexpected and unreal.
Then I learned…It wasn’t just me! And it’s not just you & your family.
Adoption is not a magic wand.
Whole families are being left to flounder with predictable struggles that often come with mid-to-severe attachment challenged children with a history of developmental trauma in early childhood, especially as those children reach their early teen years.
In the GAP >>>
>>> Marriages often fall apart under the strain
>>> Moms often bear an enormous degree of opposition & aggression which gets more dangerous as their children age
>>> Outsiders frequently experience a very different child than the family at home, especially mom
>>> Traditional parenting methods & general parenting advice that work well for regular households is insufficient & can even backfire
>>> Traditional family settings are unsustainable with some children with severe attachment challenges
>>> Moms can feel like prisoners in their own homes
>>> Moms may be at risk for PTSD, compassion fatigue,
>>> and worse…
And yet as a parent…this mom often feels the blame & shame:
— when her child doesn’t fit the traditional family mold;
— when she’s made adjustment after adjustment to fit the family & home environment around increasingly difficult behaviors of this growing child;
— when her support people are unsupportive
And she seeks help in all the "normal" places…but instead of REAL support she finds
Instead of needed help & understanding she receives unhelpful “support” or blame;
She is either blown off when things aren’t bad enough…
…or vilified when things get too bad.
The Success For Second Moms program helps to fill that