Legacy Ladies are 



career women,
homeschool moms,
adoptive moms,  

caregivers and more . . .



Who may also be:

~changing from one season of life to another, 

~facing unexpected change, 

~or looking for a change;

~ perhaps you're concerned about future changes & long-term planning,
not only for you but for those you are caring for...

Your LEGACY Depends on
How You SHOW UP in Your Life Each Day

Whenever you set out to impact your world,
to help people, to right wrongs . . .


 opposition that threatens to stop you in your tracks.  
opposition of various kinds can weaken your self-confidence and resolve;
can make you doubt who you are, your beliefs & values,
leaving you a bit bewildered and trying to find your bearings, looking for your next steps.


You don't have to give in to the opposition.
You don't have to give in to the apathy or the overwhelm.
You don't have to give in to the Tyranny of the Urgent keeping you from the important.

Recognize that the criticism, push-back, resistance, even hostility
are all to be expected whenever you try to implement
a positive change -
Even if the resistance is your own.

But you can choose to 
Live Legacy, every day, one day at a time!

What's Your Next Step?
Let's figure it out together.

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