Clearing Up Roles & Responsibilities in Adoptive & Step-Families

Wouldn’t you agree that parenting is sometimes hard work? 

How about when the dynamics of family life change with the addition of adopted children or stepchildren? 

In my experience as an adoptive mom, it can be difficult to navigate through conflicting advice, unreasonable expectations, and ever-evolving relationships in a bustling household. 

Legacy Living Today podcast, [S3|E11], Roles & Responsibilities in Adoptive & Step-Families

Starting from Behind as a Second Mom


Always feeling behind? 
When all of you is still not enough…

Being an adoptive or step mom can feel like you’ve embarked upon a daunting task to try to fill the void that your child already has. I know those types of feelings. It can feel like a tremendous responsibility. But as adoptive or step moms we must remember that we cannot make up for any losses in our children's lives – but instead can focus on providing stability for all of our children. Even as they push against that very stability they need. 


Parental Abuse & Safety Planning

Q. What is Parental Abuse?
A. Parental abuse, also called by other names (CPV - Child to Parent Violence; APV - Adolescent to Parent Violence)  is when a child/adolescent abuses a parent.

This can be done through words (threatening) or physical actions, and often results in fear for the safety of the abused parent. It usually refers to physical violence.  However there are other types of abuse as well.

If you are being threatened or physically harmed by your teenager, it is important to take steps to ensure your safety. This may mean leaving the home temporarily until things calm down, calling the police, or seeking help from a friend or family member. 

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