Planting Seeds of Growth in Your Adoptive Family

Have you ever wondered how a tiny seed, when planted in the right environment, receives nurturing care, and is given time to grow, can blossom into a beautiful plant? 

This natural process mirrors the journey many adoptive families embark upon. In the garden of family life, each member is both a gardener and a budding plant, contributing to and benefiting from the nurturing environment of the family. But as with any garden, there are obstacles along the way.


Nurturing Connections: Planting Seeds of Learning for Adoptive Moms


Are you frustrated & feeling defeated because your adopted daughter won’t let you teach her anything? 
Or your son always insists he already knows whatever you’re about to tell him?

Today’s topic is:
Fostering a positive learning environment for adoptive moms with severely attachment-challenged children or teens.

As moms we want to teach, train & influence our child/children for good.  We know that attachment challenges affect learning and behavior in children and teens. 
This can create a looming gap between all we’d otherwise be able to teach our children and what they’ll actually be receptive to.

7 Obstacles to Planting Good Seeds in Your Adoptive Family

In this introductory episode of my new series about what I’m describing as “planting seeds” in our adoptive families, I want to go over some of the obstacles you may face as an adoptive mom: obstacles to planting the good seeds, seeds of love, seeds of learning, and seeds of growth. You’ve probably seen and heard me say over and over again to keep learning, keep growing, and keep loving” and that’s as much an encouragement I want to give to you as it is a reminder and encouragement to myself. I wanted to dedicate this series of episodes to these three topics. 

So as we get into this series, I decided to first talk about the seven obstacles to planting good seeds in this introductory episode.
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