A Guide to Choosing & Pursuing Your Main Mom Objectives
Despite all the Crazy-making Distractions & Drama of your Adoptive/Blended Family!
The goal of every Second Mom (adoptive or other permanent mom raising a child she didn’t give birth to) is to be the best mom she can be for her child, right?!
But with the distractions, drama and (let’s call it what it is) dysfunction” that are so common in non-traditional families like ours” it can be hard to keep from losing track of those things that are most important or even know what real “success” even looks like for us. (Sometimes, it’s just getting through the day it seems!)
Have you ever wondered how a tiny seed, when planted in the right environment, receives nurturing care, and is given time to grow, can blossom into a beautiful plant?
This natural process mirrors the journey many adoptive families embark upon. In the garden of family life, each member is both a gardener and a budding plant, contributing to and benefiting from the nurturing environment of the family. But as with any garden, there are obstacles along the way.
How Churches Can Support Women who are Moms in Complex Families such as Adoptive Moms & Step-Moms
Just imagine…You're a mom, and you're not the child's first mom. They don’t automatically look to you as their home base, as “mom”. You feel alone, unsupported, and like you don't quite fit in anywhere, and while your church has been an integral part of your life for years, you’re feeling less and less connected, less and less understood, less and less supported.