If you've adopted a child (or three!) in the past year or so, despite getting into a routine and getting to know each other better, you feel a sense of loss as the reality of your "new normal" has set in.
You may find yourself thinking wistfully of those pre-adoption days and what you have essentially given up.
Don’t Gaslight Yourself
Don’t gaslight yourself. Your feelings of loss and grief are valid. You will all likely experience them in the days, weeks, months, years to come. You’ll continue to have adjustments to make. You’ll continue to have opportunities to model moving through grief and loss to your children.
People are naturally skeptical of things that are different. Even prior to adopting you’ve likely faced misunderstanding and misperceptions due to your Christian beliefs or in other contexts.
In our adoptive families, there is often lots of fuel for the fires of skepticism, leading to flames of misperceptions and misunderstandings. These can even grow into a raging wildfire threatening to overtake the entire structure of the family.
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Do you sometimes feel like you're in a fog?
Fog = F - O - G for Fear, Obligation, Guilt.
If you feel like you're in a lingering fog in your adoptive family this is for you.