A Guide to Choosing & Pursuing Your Main Mom Objectives
Despite all the Crazy-making Distractions & Drama of your Adoptive/Blended Family!
The goal of every Second Mom (adoptive or other permanent mom raising a child she didn’t give birth to) is to be the best mom she can be for her child, right?!
But with the distractions, drama and (let’s call it what it is) dysfunction” that are so common in non-traditional families like ours” it can be hard to keep from losing track of those things that are most important or even know what real “success” even looks like for us. (Sometimes, it’s just getting through the day it seems!)

When you think about your mom role I want you to ask yourself — and you can journal about this and pray over it but ask yourself — What do you realistically want your mom role to be like, and what do you think is standing in the way?
I’d like you to get a notebook, journal or pad of paper for a journaling exercise today about how you envision your role as mom in the current season or the season that’s right around the corner. What obstacles are you currently running up against?