Do you feel like you’re constantly on the defensive? Having accusations flung at you on what seems like a daily basis? From big accusations from the outside to constant smaller accusations inside the household holding you responsible for, well, everything! 

This used to be me. So I know how it feels. And it’s important for us to discern what’s truly our responsibility and to own up to it when we’ve missed the mark. 

It’s important to identify misplaced guilt & blame that you as an adoptive mom may face, but not always to strike out in defensiveness. 

We have a little booklet from our Sunday school class made up of verses submitted by different members in the class; one member submitted this verse: Isaiah 54:17  “no weapon forged against you will prevail, and he will refute every tongue that accuses you. ‘This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,’ declares the Lord”

Another verse that a different member submitted was Hebrews 11:1 - “now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” We think of that verse, of course in reference to our ultimate future in heaven, with Jesus, with God our Father, a perfect world, where there is no more sin, there’s no more crying… there’s more no more death! πŸ™Œ We have that hope as Christians. 

And I  think that same faith in the promises of God, applies not only for our eternal home in heaven but also for this present world, including situations like in the first first where it talks about accusations and promises vindication from the Lord.

Oftentimes we moms may feel the need to defend ourselves from blaming and accusations that occur in our complex families & relationships. There may be a great deal of accusations, blaming, and feeling like you are constantly on the defensive like you have to prove yourself like you want to be vindicated against these arrows from Satan that are coming at you. Perhaps your husband feels that way too. 

And this verse gives me great hope and understanding that I don’t always have to be the one, nor can I to vindicate myself. I don’t have to defend myself against every accusation. I can rest in the knowledge that ultimately, God will be the one who will give me that vindication against false accusations and blame that is misplaced.


What an example to my children that would be! Of course, I haven’t always provided the best example in this area. I have been overly defensive at times. I’m still working on me. And I encourage you to keep working on yourself too…another way we can set the example for our kids, even the grown up ones…through our “authentic modeling” which is a one of the key pieces in my coaching method for those who want to work one one one with me in the Success For Second Moms - 90 Day Reset program. If you’re ready for a quick reset I invite you to put your name on the waitlist to schedule your application call with me today. 
And as always, 
keep learning, keep growing & keep loving. 


Dawn T. Baggett
Post Adoption (Mom) Coach 


Are you an adoptive mom? 
Me too!

Publishing this podcast & companion blog is one way that I stand in the gap for second moms with similar challenges to what I’ve gone through myself as an adoptive mom. 

Listen & subscribe to the podcast for free on your favorite listening platform.  
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The companion Circle of Second Moms Facebook group is a place to go deeper on topics that we touch on in the public podcast episodes along with guided journaling and more. 
Tap the JOIN LINK HERE for group access. 

Group members who want next level support through private coaching with me are invited to apply for  private coaching by scheduling an application call. To do that click HERE.

Through these avenues it’s my desire that many adoptive moms are able to close the gap and feel fully supported in a way that align with their Christian values and helps them grow in their faith while feeling more confident and empowered in their mom roles and beyond. 

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor nor a therapist. None of the content published on this website is offered or presented as medical or mental health, diagnosis or treatment. As a coach I do not offer mental or medical health diagnosis, treatment or cures.  Furthermore, nothing herein is to be considered professional legal advice.