A Prayer of Restoration

A Prayer of Restoration*

The following prayer is based on a Bible passage from 2 Corinthians 13.  When we don’t have the words to pray, we can trust God to provide them. 

Heavenly Father,

I lift up my precious child/children to You, asking that they may continually examine their heart and faith. Grant them the wisdom and clarity to test their own feelings, thoughts, values and beliefs, realizing deeply that Christ Jesus dwells within them.

I trust in Your guidance and pray that they will stand firm in their faith, passing every test that comes their way.

Lord, I ask that You guard their heart and actions, so they will do nothing wrong. Not for the sake of appearances, or for my sake, but because doing what is right brings glory to Your name. 

May they hold fast to the truth and live in accordance with Your will, for I know that nothing can stand against Your truth.

Thank You, Father, for the strength You give us, even in our weaknesses. Strengthen my child/children to overcome any and all of my deficiencies as their parent. 

My deep desire is for my child/children to be strong in spirit and fully restored in their relationship with You. I place them in Your loving hands, trusting in Your perfect plan. 

In Jesus' name, I pray,


As always, 


Dawn T. Baggett
Post Adoption (Mom) Coach 


Are you an adoptive mom? 
Me too!

Publishing this podcast & companion blog is one way that I stand in the gap for second moms with similar challenges to what I’ve gone through myself as an adoptive mom. 

Listen & subscribe to the podcast for free on your favorite listening platform.  
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The companion Circle of Second Moms Facebook group is a place to go deeper on topics that we touch on in the public podcast episodes along with guided journaling and more. 
Tap the JOIN LINK HERE for group access. 

Group members who want next level support through private coaching with me are invited to apply for  private coaching by scheduling an application call. To do that click HERE.

Through these avenues it’s my desire that many adoptive moms are able to close the gap and feel fully supported in a way that align with their Christian values and helps them grow in their faith while feeling more confident and empowered in their mom roles and beyond. 

DISCLAIMER: I’m a coach, not a doctor nor a therapist. As a coach I do not offer mental or medical health diagnosis, treatment or cures.  Furthermore, I am no longer a practicing attorney and do not offer individual legal advice. For individual advice related to your own personal situation I recommend you seek out an appropriate professional. Coaching may fill a spot in your overall support network.