Direct Correlation Between Emotional & Mental Well-being & Physical Health
As a Christian life coach for women in complex families, I understand the struggle of constantly expending emotional and mental energy. It's easy to forget that there is a direct correlation between our emotional and mental well-being and physical health.
Always feeling behind?
When all of you is still not enough…
Being an adoptive or step mom can feel like you’ve embarked upon a daunting task to try to fill the void that your child already has. I know those types of feelings. It can feel like a tremendous responsibility. But as adoptive or step moms we must remember that we cannot make up for any losses in our children's lives – but instead can focus on providing stability for all of our children. Even as they push against that very stability they need.
From the paperwork & legalities to the physical and emotional tolls, there's no denying that adoption is a BIG undertaking.
If you're thinking about becoming an adoptive parent, or are in the process of adopting, you're probably aware of many challenges that come with the territory.